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User:3 Week Diet

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People want to lose weight because of [1] their need to reduce their body fat content in their bodies. This could be due to bordering health and chronic conditions like preventing development of heart disease or diabetes. Maintaining an individuals BMI or body mass index should be maintained within the 19-23% range to keep the ideal body weight. Lesser percentage means underweight and about 24% or more borders on overweight to obesity. As you might know, being obese or overweight can lead to many diseases and health concerns as age advances.

But the most prevalent reason why people want to lose weight is for them to look good. Flabby parts and cellulite just do not go well with swimsuits in summer or being able to put on your favorite fashion style. These fat-filled body parts can ruin any put together ensembles. And so people who are in their early 30's or 40's would want to look younger and fit minus ten years their actual age.

So why not bite right away with all the colorful marketing of instant quick fixes for Weight Loss? The FDA has listed down some of the most usual marketing pushes of scams that are being used in the multi-million industry of losing weight. It is not secret that adverse and side effects of taking unapproved drugs of any sort can cause damage to overall health conditions.

Claims of losing more than three pounds of weight within two or a few months without appropriate restrictions in diet and encouragement of fitness should be a red flag to you. This is not realistically true. Real efforts go into losing weights like strict dieting to lessen calorie intake, regular exercise, and other fitness activities that can burn fat. There is no short-ut or magic pill substitute for these sure-bullets to lose weight.
