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User:Wealth And Abundance Review Tab

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Fear is the largest factor that prevents one from taking immediate action. Wealth And Abundance What if I fail? What if it doesn't work? What will they think of me? Who cares is an easy response to someone else with these fears, but usually is not helpful in moving ourselves toward action. The only way to overcome fear is to face it; however a life of unrelenting terror may not be worth any amount of money or level of success. The best way to overcome fear is to approach fear consistently in incremental amounts. If you were told to bench press 300 pounds, of course on your first attempt you would fail. But if this was truly a goal of yours and you started at a lower weight it would be possible to work toward the 300 pound goal. Would going into the gym and lifting 75 pounds be a failure? It would definitely be action! And I propose that is a success in itself. I am not aware of an idea that was perfect upon inception. Anything that is great now evolved to be exceptional. In most cases it will also prove to be mediocre or obsolete if it does not continue to evolve. Give your ideas a chance to be great and start doing something. It's easier to steer a moving vehicle than it is to get a parked one where you want it. Your ideas are going to need adjusting. Your actions are going to need correcting. Failure is a great way to get started in taking action! Go out and try to fail. Tell yourself that you're going to get rejected, that you are going to implement an idea that won't work. If you fail at the thing that you set out to do you have succeeded in doing something. And something is the hardest thing in the world to do if you are not currently doing it.