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User:Facebook Ad IQ Academy Reviewmmm

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We have so many social media vehicles that have accumulated powerful momentum.Facebook Ad IQ Academy/Facebook has over 250 million users. There was a social media test performed in January 2011, and in 20 minutes, 1,587,000 wall posts were posted. That's power! Twitter has an 62% increase. 75% of people with iPads are interested in looking at videos; most Americans watch 30 minutes of a full online video daily, while we watch maybe 5 hours a day in front of the television (personally, I could barely watch 2 hours a day if it isn't a football game, just don't have the time.)It is no surprise the Republicans are eager to win this election. One way to achieve this goal is to copy what President Obama did in the last election- Social Media Battle. According to New York Times, the President has already started his campaign by urging his Facebook friends (19.3 million of them, by the way) to join his "Town-Hall Chat" on Facebook; this type of innovative idea will keep him at the top of the polls. Now, what will really keep him in the presidential palace is to significantly increase the amount of businesses in America between now and election day.