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To motivate participation, rewards and recognitions should be handed 21st Century Sales Training for Elite Performance Review out to those who actively participate, or those who volunteer to share their best practices. On the other hand, always make sure that the less active get their share, as well, especially if there are significant improvements on their own. You'll find your sales force more attentive and competitive, not to mention better performing. The importance of motivation is accentuated by using positive reinforcement to get positive results.Make it a point to give everyone in the meeting a chance to join major and minor discussions. Everyone will feel a sense of purpose; therefore, motivating them to do better in both in the field and in the conference room because they felt that they belong, that they were part of something great. The importance of motivation is displayed by getting your staff involved in every opportunity possible to boost confidence.Holding an active discussion - a debate, even - often proves essential to motivate participants. They exchange intelligent ideas that are unusual in common day-to-day discussions. They become active participants in charge of their own growth. They exert their best efforts to express themselves, taking what they absorb to a much higher level.The importance of motivation allows deeper understanding and realization of the lessons acquired in school, in the conference room, in the field, and in life, in general. Here, it is reflected that motivation is the springboard of learning.Whether you are completely new to the company or are recently promoted from the ranks, it is natural for you to feel a mix of excitement and tension when stepping into that new Sales Manager role. Thoughts of "am I fit for the job", "will my team respect me", or "will I be able to last in this new position" may initially haunt you. This is normal. Don't worry. With these simple new sales manager tips, you will overcome these demons:Among the many new sales manager tips, preparing yourself is the most important. You cannot confidently face your new team if you are not convinced of your new role. Avoid the urge to do that sales call or to check the nitty-gritty of the report. The usual problem of transition from an individual contributor to a manager is when you get stuck with your previous role. Be aware of new responsibilities and carry them out. Now that you have the power to delegate, do it. Focus on planning for the department. Remember that you are in-charge of the whole team, and not just yourself.