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These tips on how to Shred Secrets lose weight are for those who feel ready to get fit and get fast weight loss results. They are not listed because they are easy, they are listed because they work so if you are willing to put forth some effort then read on to find out how to incorporate these extreme tips on how to lose weight.Prime your body for weight loss. The first step for most people who have not been dieting or who have a generally poor diet is to prime your body for weight loss. The problem most people face is that their body has become resistant to weight loss from years of poor eating and inactivity. To prime your body for weight loss you want to increase it's efficiency in fat burning and you can do this by simply shifting your carbohydrates (bread, pasta, rice, etc) out of your diet after lunch. When these quick digesting energy nutrients are not provided in the diet your body is forced to burn body fat for energy and becomes an efficient fat burner again. Keep your calories low to lose weight but then strategically cheat. There is no escaping the truth that your calorie intake must be lower than your calorie output to lose weight but a problem arises if you keep your calories too low for too long. What is the problem? Your body adapts and drops your metabolism like a lead balloon. So how do you keep your metabolism humming along while keeping your calories low enough to lose? The answer is to strategically cheat. When you notice your weight loss decreasing over a period of days add a cheat meal that includes both carbohydrates and fats and eat till you are totally satisfied. This boost your metabolism back up so fast that even with the small amount of water weight you gain your body will lose more fat more rapidly and avoid plateaus.

Move, move, move. Move more if you are serious about getting in shape and move smarter. The fastest results are not necessarily measured in hours but in intensity. Each workout whether you are working with strength building or cardiovascular exercise should get your heart rate up significantly with bursts of high intensity. There has been a lot of conflict between whether weight training or cardio is the best activity for weight loss. Weight training to lose weight is the newcomer on the scene as science is proving that this style of exercise is highly beneficial to the overweight person but it is important that you know how to train if you are going to achieve the fastest possible weight loss. You see women tend to not believe weight training to lose weight is possible because they think that they will actually gain weight. Well it is physically impossible for a lady to weight train and achieve the same results as a male because their genetic make up is not going to cope with these physiological demands. In fact my grandmother weight trains and I do not see her with arms like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Weight training is beneficial to weight loss because you actually are creating leaner muscle tissue in your body and lean muscle mass requires twice as many calories to operate then fat does. So the more lean mass you have the more calories you are going to burn even when sleeping. Weight training to lose weight is a fantastic approach for men and women but for men you should train reasonably heavy in the 8 to twelve repetition range where as women will benefit using a more toned repetition range of 15 to 20.