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User:Final Survival Plan E-book Review Tab

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Other than having a yard sale to obtain the survival cash necessary Final Survival Plan E-book for bugging out, you could also exploit your various skills. Can you repair an automobile or change the oil in a car? People will pay reasonable prices for your skills. Grow a few extra rows of vegetables in your garden with the intent of selling it. If you can do welding then there is considerable demand for your talents.There is much that a survivalist can learn from Sun Tzu's book entitled "The Art of War'. The field manual was created specifically as a basic text for conducting and winning battles which ultimately would lead to conquest within the war.

It would be virtually impractical for me to portray the entire contents of Sun's manuscript in this short span of space allocated for my article. If the ideas presented here are of interest to you, I would recommend reading it in its entirety.The primary item of merit here would be to create adequate plans. Sun advised that effectively you will either win the war or lose it as there is no midway position between the two. He believed that the losing side would rush into battle while the expected winning side would assess the situation well before joining the war. He went on to explain how war is governed by five specific factors.

The first factor is the "Moral Law" which is vital. The people must back the war in order to provide the military with the edge necessary to win. Are the followers dedicated enough to the cause to give up their lives? Will they assist in supplying forces as needed?The second factor mentioned by Sun is known as "Heaven." Sun Tzu is not referring to the religious domain mention for the deceased but rather aiming more towards the comparison of battles taking place at night as opposed to daytime, the wars which may be conducted in a cold and heat (hot) based season or the times and seasons which a war is raged. Each designation has its own advances as well as its disadvantages.