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ABUJA - Leader of the proscribed Islamic Movement in Nigeria, Ibrahim El-Zakzaky, and his wife, Zeenat, have returned to Nigeria from India. The El-Zakzakys returned to Nigeria barely four days after they travelled to India for medical treatment on the order of the Kaduna State High Court. On their arrival at the hospital where treatment was expected to commence, the trip to the Asian country turned controversial. Recall that Ibrahim Musa, spokesman of the movement, had on Thursday broke the news of El-Zakzaky’s The leader of IMN, had traveled to India along with his wife for a medical treatment. The religious leader in an alleged video released on Thursday, said he was given the option of having his treatment at the hospital or return to Nigeria.

El-Zakzaky said that while weighing the options with his wife, unnamed officials stormed his room and asked them to prepare to go home. He had accused Buhari led government of frustrating his treatment in India. El-Zakzaky had also accused the federal government of placing him under heavy security, noting that Kirikiri prison was better than the Indian hospital. "In a video message sent through his office, the Sheikh said it was decided that they will be taken to the airport to be flown back to Nigeria. He has left Delhi by 17:00 Nigerian time. He prayed that may that be the best option in the circumstances.

More light was on Friday was thrown into the continued incarceration of the leader of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria (IMN) Ibrahim El-Zakzaky and former National Security Adviser, Col. The immediate past Attorney-General of the Federation (AGF) and Minister of Justice, Mr. Abubakar Malami, told the Senate that El-Zakzaky, Dasuki and others were being held in the overall national interest. The Kebbi State ministerial nominee also told the upper chamber that under his watch as AGF, the Federal Government secured 59 terrorism-related convictions. Malami, one of the re-nominated ministerial nominees, spoke in the Senate chamber while answering questions for confirmation for as a minister of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Although Malami did not mention El-Zakzaky and Dasuki, he pointedly stated that those granted bail and yet to be freed were being held in the overall interest of the country. The Senate Minority Leader, Senator Enyinnaya Abaribe, had asked Malami to explain to Nigerians why the rights of those granted bail by the court were still being violated by keeping them in custody. Abaribe noted that despite being granted bail by competent courts of justice, some Nigerians were still incarcerated, yet to be freed, in compliance with the right of every citizen of Nigeria. The Abia South Senator reminded Malami that it was his responsibility as the chief law officer of the federation to protect the rights of every Nigerian. Malami agreed that he had the responsibility to protect individual rights but quickly added that it was equally his responsibility to protect the corporate interest of the country.

Relying on Section 174 of the 1999 Constitution (as amended), Malami noted that his responsibility was also to protect public interest. The former AGF noted that it is trite that where the interest of an individual conflict with the corporate interest of the country, public interest will naturally prevail. Malami said: "Abaribe asked his question relying on Section 36, 37 and 38 of the Constitution as they relate to the rights of the individual. I concede that I have had the responsibility to protect the rights of every Nigerian. "The office of the AGF is made to protect the rights of individuals and the corporate rights of the nation. He said that Asari Dokubo’s case gave credence to his assertion that national interest supersedes individual interest.

Malami also told the Senate that under his watch as AGF and minister Justice, over 63-terrorism related cases were instituted against suspects terrorists. He noted that 59 convictions were secured out of the 63 cases within the four years. Malami informed the lawmakers that over 4,400 criminal cases were also filed against suspects in parts of the country. "About 59 terrorism convictions out of 63 cases within a space of four years were secured when I was the Minister of Justice. Malami stressed the need for collaboration between the Executive and the Legislature to ensure that bills passed by the National Assembly receive Presidential assent. The Executive, he said, must be consulted before bills passed if they were expected to receive the president assent.

"The interest of host communities was compromised. Self-serving portions were brought into the bill. So much power was conferred on an individual instead of an institution. Malami said, ‘Under me, the following bills were brought National Financial Intelligent Unit (NFIU) bill, Proceed of Crimes bill, Mutual Assistance and Legal matters bill, Anti Terrorism bill and others. Nigeria was at a time facing an expulsion threat. "At the international forum, we have joined open government partnership under a president that told us that we should not only be seen fighting corruption locally but transparent internationally. "In terms of the fight against terrorism, we have succeeded within the time I was made Attorney General.

We worked on 63 terrorism cases and secured 59 convictions. We took effective measures. 5 billion within a period of 3 years. "It is my desire to operate within the spirit of constitution of Nigeria that established the need for integration. On bills vetoed: "In the course of my submissions, I have highlighted that whatever problems we have is indeed embedded in collaboration and corporation. "What I can do differently is to establish a culture of deep rooted collaboration and nigeria not collaboration as we see it today. "What we have today is a public hearing arrangement. We have a credible government that will allow integration of ideas. "The PIGB was fundamentally rejected because the interest of the host community was compromised and self serving sections were brought into it conferring powers on an individual. "The key to the successes of the bill is indeed between the institutions of government. On the judiciary: "We are making progress on interfacing on effective delivery and seen in the enhancement of the budget of the judiciary. It was never there case of the state judiciary to enjoy some level of autonomy.

President Muhammadu Buhari, the Sultan of Sokoto and President of the [ Nigeria Supreme] Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA) Muhammadu Sa’ad Abubakar were the only Nigerians listed in the rankings among the top 50 influential Muslim leaders in the They were listed in the 9th edition of the annual "The Muslim 500: The World’s 500 Most Influential Muslims" 2018 formally released on Thursday. It said that apart from being citizens of their respective countries, those recognised also have a sense of belonging to Muslim community worldwide. It among others measured influence to include; any person who has the power (be it cultural, ideological, financial, political or otherwise) to make a change that will have a significant impact on the Muslim world.

It however, added that the impact can be either positive or negative, depending on one’s point of view. "The first two examples also point to the fact that the lists, and especially the Top 50, are dominated by religious scholars and heads of state. Their dominant and lasting influence cannot be denied, especially the rulers, who in many cases also appoint religious scholars to their respective positions," it said. The publication list Professor Sheikh Ahmad Muhammad Al-Tayyeb the Grand Sheikh of the Al-Azhar University and Grand Imam of the Al-Azhar Mosque as number one, retaining his 2017 position. King Salman Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud of Saudi Arabia however emerged the second after displacing King Abdullah Al-Hussein of Jordan to the third position. The duo of the Iranian Supreme Leader Grand Ayatollah Hajj Sayyid Ali Khamenei and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan came fourth and fifth respectively. In a short citation the publication recognised President Buhari’s past military career, his anti-corruption credentials and his promise and subsequent efforts to deal with the insurgent group, Boko Haram and the economy and infrastructure.

Members of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria (IMN) popularly called Shi’ites, on Thursday besieged the National Assembly during a protest for the release of their leader, Sheikh Ibraheem El Zakzaky. The Shi’ites members carried various banners and posters with the pictures of El Zakzaky. Their presence led to the closure of the main gate to the National Assembly with a detachment of policemen surrounding the area to prevent the protesters from entering the complex. The sect’s spokesman Ibrahim Musa said there was a clear and present danger as the health of El Zakzaky had worsened. He said the group was demanding the immediate release of their leader from detention as he had allegedly been poisoned with lead.

According to him, even if El Zakyzaky was released immediately, there would be need for him to have quick medical intervention to save his life. Musa said investigations by experts had revealed that the level of lead in the Muslim scholar’s blood was at a dangerous level. But House Leader Alhassan Ado Doguwa, who met the protesters at the gate, assured them that their message would be relayed to appropriate quarters. Doguwa said: "This place, called the National Assembly, provides a window where you come and ventilate your concern and anger. But I assure you, I give you my commitment and the commitment of this institution, that we will address this issue that you raised. "And in promising you, nigeria I will collect the contacts of your leaders. And by the time I am able to convince my colleagues and superiors, we will get back to you and discuss further. Doguwa hailed members of the group for the peaceful manner they conducted themselves. Recall that El-Zakzaky, has been in detention since December 2015 and has remained in detention since sequel to a clampdown on his members by soldiers. He had been charged for alleged conspiracy, nigeria abating culpable homicide, among other offences. In spite of a December 2016 order for his release by the court, the government has failed to release him, prompting incessant protests by his members.

THE Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Information and Culture said since El-Zakzaky got to Dubai, he had been displaying ulterior motives against laid down procedures. Besides, the permanent secretary said the situation became worse in India as the IMN leader refused to subject himself to preliminary medical checks. According to the government official, El-Zakzaky was demanding free movement and access to visitors of all kinds. He requested to be allowed to check into a Five-Star Hotel instead of being admitted in the hospital. The statement reads: "The court on August 5, 2019, granted Sheikh Ibraheem EL-Zakzaky leave to travel to India for medical treatment.

Consequently, the government and its relevant agencies took steps to comply with the Order. "In line with the court order, nigeria El-Zakzaky was approved to embark on the trip with state officials and his choice to be accompanied by his aides and personal Doctors was not opposed by the government. "On 12th August, 2019, he and other members of the entourage went to India via Dubai. It is to be noted that El-Zakzaky particularly chose Medanta Hospital, India. However, on reaching Dubai, El-Zakzaky began to display ulterior motives against laid down procedures. "He requested that his passport be handed over to him but the State officials would not budge to his pressure. The situation became worse in India as he refused to subject himself to preliminary medical checks.

"In addition, he demanded free movement and access to visitors of all kinds as well as requested to be allowed to check into a 5-Star Hotel instead of being admitted in the hospital. The request was refused on the ground that he came into the country for medicals and not as a tourist (more so that his visa was issued on medical grounds and not for tourism). He also demanded that Police protection be withdrawn from him by the Indian authorities. "Against medical ethics and standard practice, he requested to nominate doctors of his choice to join the ones tasked by Medanta Hospital to perform medical treatment on him and his wife. This created a stalemate, which the Hospital insisted that he would not dictate to it on the choice of medical personnel to carry the required medical treatment. "Frustrated by his antics, the Indian authorities have expressed willingness to return him to Nigeria with immediate effect. This is on the account that they will not allow him use their country to internationalise his group’s activities. "Against this background, the Nigerian government wishes to commend the stand of the Indian government as well as apologize to her for the unruly behaviour of El-Zakzaky. Similarly, the attention of the public and indeed the international community is hereby drawn to these unfortunate developments.

Leader of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria (IMN) Sheikh Ibraheem El-Zakzaky and his wife Zeenat, have started receiving treatment at Medanta Hospital, India. The duo arrived in India on Tuesday with their relatives, security operatives and government officials. Doctors said El-Zakzaky is suffering about eight ailments, including glaucoma, symptoms of Ischemic heart disease, which could lead to Myocardial infraction, severe cervical spondylosis which has resulted to nerve root compression and nigeria causing insomnia, among others. He also has pellets lodged in his body since the 2015 clash with soldiers in Zaria. These pellets are said to be causing lead poisoning in his blood. Medanta Hospital was founded in 2009 by a cardiac surgeon, Dr. Naresh Trehan.

We are now here in New Delhi, India. As you all know there was an arrangement for us to come here to seek medical care regarding the ailments that we have, myself and Malama Zeenah. She, Malama Zeenah has a full bullet lodged in her body(that needs to be removed), also she is in need of a knee replacement surgery in addition to other problems. Then the second thing would be to clean my body of the toxins, which I was told are deposited in the bones and some in the flesh and this normally takes time to be done.

I also have a problem with my eye which the doctors that attended to us since after I had a second operation and my sight weakened, suggested that I should be taken to better facilities to have it tended to. After all this, we were all happy that we are in Delhi and we would be going to a suitable hospital to receive appropriate treatment. In addition, the doctors that came to visit us when we were in Nigeria advised us to come to this hospital called Medanta. That is why we requested to be brought to this hospital. So before we left Nigeria we heard the news that the American embassy here in India was pressuring the hospital not to admit us when we arrive. And that the hospital had agreed to refuse admitting us.

So we were considering going somewhere else when we arrive. But we were later informed that the problem had been sorted out and we would be admitted to the hospital. So we set out from Nigeria. As soon as we arrived here, we were met with some hospital staff at the airport that escorted us to the hospital. Since we were in the ambulance they informed that there were a lot of people at the airport waiting to see us even if just when we are boarding the ambulance. And they also said that there was a lot of people at the hospital entrance to see us arrive.

But they informed us that if we arrive we will be taken in through a back entrance. They said they did this due to the high number of people, they were concerned that in people’s attempt to reach us in the crowd some harm can be done to us, nigeria that’s what they said. So we saw that we were practically brought to another detention facility which is even stricter than the one we were in back in Nigeria. They came here with police armed with guns and a lot of staff from the Nigerian embassy. And we also noticed we were brought into another detention that we only came based on trust. Even in Nigeria, they agreed where we were detained that we would be treated only by the doctors we choose and are comfortable with allowing to treat us.

Due to this, we think that based on everything we have seen so far indicates to us that we are not safe here. We were just brought to another detention. I have been detained now for a collective total of about 13 years but I have never seen detention like the one I am in now. Even at the door, they have placed armed police. Even between one room to the next we are not allowed to move. Then I see that even where we were, and of all the times I have been imprisoned in Nigeria, I have not seen anything like this.

When I was in an actual prison They used to lock us up around 9:00 pm and open the doors at 7:00 am, and we could move about where ever we wish within the prison facility we were detained in. I see here that even when I was in Kiri Kiri prison it wasn’t as constricting as in this situation. These countries include Malaysia, Indonesia and Turkey, we can convene to decide which one to go to and then go there Insha Allahul Adheem. Being the transcript of an audio tape contained by the Leader of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria, Sheikh Ibraheem El-Zakzaky, from his hospital bed in India and as published by the Nigerian Tribune.

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