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USA to Colombia here. I decided to do this one year ago. I had just gotten out of an emotionally abusive All of my favorite places were suddenly off limits and the thought of seeing my ex and having my mind played with again was debilitating. I LOVED my job, but after having a new breath breathed into my life after escaping, I really started to think about how important a job was compared to my mental and physical Not very. I had two businesses of my own that made decent money, so I gave myself 3 months to move somewhere. Anywhere. I picked up teaching English online as a backup.

Then one night, I was out at a friend’s birthday party and met this cool girl. I asked why we weren’t friends and she said she lived in Colombia. I was getting a little passionate about the prospect of learning languages at that time, so I was intrigued. We both dance salsa so after she told me the dancing was great, I decided then and there that it was my new home. 3 months and 1 day after my declaration to leave, I hopped on a plane with a one-way ticket and an AirBNB reservation in some random neighborhood I knew nothing about.

I didn’t speak a lick of Spanish then (I’m working on it) and was an emotional wreck. Today, I’m the happiest I’ve been in my whole life. My city in the US was 4 hours from my family, but I could only visit them for one day at a time due to work. Now, I can visit my family for as long as I want. I can dance every single night. 1USD. I can practice my Spanish all day long in the Land of Eternal Spring. As for challenges, the only ones I have faced are the language barrier (though I think that’s a good challenge), a few peoples’ misconceptions about foreigners, and the lack of ovens (I’m an avid cook and baker).

BUT I’ve challenged myself to find an oven by July and finally broke down and got a private Spanish tutor. I realize that in the long term, it would’ve have been traditionally "smarter" to stay at my cushy job and have all that extra income on top of my businesses, but I have what I need. Sometimes I miss the work and I know I was so lucky to have a job that I loved, but I don’t have to stare out the window and watch the daylight pass me by anymore. Now I can do all the things that make me feel alive.

McLaughlin, B . (1987). Theories of Second Language Learning. New York, N Y : Edward Arnold. Motteram, G . Undated. Learner Autonomy and the Web. Autonomy, Technology, and Language-Learning in a Sheltered E S L Immerson Program. TESL Canada/Revue TESL du Canada, 17 (I), 1-15. O'Mal ley , J . M . , Chamot, A . U . (1990). Learning Strategies in Second Language Acquisition. New York, N Y : Cambridge. Opp-Beckman, L . (1999). Classroom Practice: Authentic audience on the Internet. In J. Egbert & E . Hanson-Smith (Eds.), C A L L Environments: Research, Practice and Critical Issues (79-95). Alexandria, V A : T E S O L . Otto, F. (1989). Building on the past: new directions in CAI / IL .

In J.E. Alatis (Ed.), Language Teaching, Testing and Technology: Lessons from the past with a view toward the future (320-331). Washington, D C : Georgetown. Oxford, R. (1990). Language learning strategies: what every teacher should know. New York, N Y : Newbury. Palys, T. (1997). Research Decisions. Toronto, O N : Harcourt Bruce. Viewed 26 November, 2000. Pederson, K . M . (1986). A n Experiment in Computer-Assisted Second-Language Reading. The Modem Language Journal, 70 (i), 36-41 i Perkins, D . N . (1992). Technology meets constructivism : do they make a marriage ? In Duffy, T . M . & Jonassen, D . H . (eds). Constructivism and the Technology of Instruction.

Lawrence Erlbaum: Hillsdale, N J . Pham, B- (1998). Quality evaluation of educational multimedia systems. Viewed 26 November, 2000. 89 Reid, J . M . (1987). The learning style preferences of E S L students. TESOL Quarterly, 27 (1), 87-111. Sadtono, E . Language Acquisition and the Second/Foreign Language Classroom. Singapore: S E A M E O . Scarcella, R .C . Krashen, S.D. Research in Second Language Acquisition. Newbury House: Rowley, M A . Schmidt, R .W. , Frota, S.N. Developing Basic Conversational Abi l i ty in a Second Language: A Case Study of an Adult Learner of Portuguese.

In R.R. Day (Ed.), Talking to Learn: Conversation in Second Language Acquisition (237-326). Rowley, M A : Newbury. Schumann, F. M . Diary of a Language Learner: a further analaysis. In R . C . Scarcella, & S.D. Krashen, Research in Second Language Acquisition (58-65). Newbury House: Rowley, M A . Schumann, F .E . Schumann, J .H. (1977). Diary of a language learner: A n introspective study of second language learning. In H . D . Brown, R . H . Crymes, and C . A . Yor ia (eds.), On T E S O L '77: Teaching and Learning English as a Second Language, Washington, D C : T E S O L , 241-249. Seliger H .W.

Long, M . H . Rowley, M A : Newbury. Sheerin, S. (1997). A n exploration of the relationship between self-access and independent learning. In P. Benson & P. Voller (Eds.). Autonomy and Independence in Language Learning (54-65). New York, N Y : Longman. Spanish Resource Portal. Website. M y U B C : A personal portal for students. Viewed 28 November, 2000. Sturtridge, G . New York, N Y : Longman. Warschauer, M . (1997). A sociocultural approach to literacy and its significance for C A L L . In K . Murphy-Judy & R. Sanders (Eds.), Nexus: The convergence of research & teaching through new information technologies ( 88-97). Durham, N C : University of Northern Carolina. 90 Warschauer, M .

Researching Technology in T E S O L : Determinist, instrumental, and critical approaches. Viewed 24 November, 2000, Warschauer, Mark. The Death of Cyberspace and the Rebirth of C A L L . Keynote address given to the I A T E F L / E S A D E C A L L in the 21st Century Conference, Barcelona. On-line learning in second language classrooms. In M . Warschauer & R. Kern (Eds): Network-based Language Teaching: concepts and Practice (41-58). New York, N Y : Cambridge. Warschauer, M . & Richard Kern (2000). Theory and Practice of network-based language teaching. In M . Warschauer & R. Kern (Eds), Network-based Language Teaching: concepts and Practice (1-19). New York, N Y : Cambridge. Warschauer, M . & Richard Kern (2000). Network-based Language Teaching: concepts and Practice (1-19). New York, N Y : Cambridge.

Wells, G . (2000). Dialogic Inquiry in Education: Building on the Legacy of Vygotsky. In C D . Lee & P. Smagorinsky (Eds), Vygotskian Perspectives on Literacy Research: Constructing Meaning Through Collaborative Inquiry (51 -87). New York, N Y : Cambridge. Wenden, A . & Rubin, J. (1987). Learner Strategies in Language Learning. Toronto, O N : Prentice-Hall. White, C. (1995). Autonomy and strategy use in distance foreign language learning: research findings. System, 23 (2), 207-221. Wimba. Viewed 20 November, 2000. Appendix A . 1 anguage-spanish. com • Downloadable software Appendix B. Materials for the target community. Very good, it is a community that I am interested in, have a good Spanish friend.

Am aware of the economic value of learning Spanish as well. How much does it matter i f you don't succeed? Don't know. Do you need to learn the language to be able to achieve certain specific tasks or do you want to learn enough to be accepted as a member of the foreign community? Enough to be able to speak to Spanish people without them wanting to switch to English. Would like to be as close to fluent as possible, without hesitations. 2. A ims What do you want to be able to do in the language? Do you want to communicate in the written or the spoken language? Both. W i l l it be enough i f you just understand the language (at least in the first instance)?

At first, yes. For you, is it sufficient to learn just enough language for communication to occur? No, it has to be with almost no accent and errors for oral communication, very good written communication. Full comprehension. 3 : Functions What use wi l l you be making of the language? Academic, work, social. What kind of situations wi l l you have to perform in? All. 4. Information What kind of linguistic information do you need to meet your needs? How people communicate orally on a general level. E.g. Colloquialisms. Which are the most important: technical vocabulary? The precise meaning of the intonation?

A set of ready-made sentences to get by with? Ease and confidence in communication, excellent pronunciation. 5. Activities What need you do to learn what you want? Need lots of oral and written input, so that I can then imitate. Need a couple strong peer relationships to facilitate practice. How much time can you devote to it? 5-10 hours per week. What are your learning habits? Generally need to be in country of target language in order to be highly motivated. Become bored Do you like working on your own? Somewhat. Is the language lab suitable? Detest language labs. Do you need help?

Do you know native speakers who would agree to talk with you in their own language? Do you make full use of other possibilities, e.g., the radio? Sub-titled film? Etc. Entirely internet based. READ I Follow arpiment of complex discourse, group connections. Can raad a series of articles, papers and forms and see argument clearly. Can read a file of correspondence and understand whole. Can follow argument of newspaper, magazine articles. Can follow straightforward chain ol raasoning In sequential paragraphs. Can understand each point ol argu-ment but often falls to tee connections. Can understand a process or procedure from a description. Can see simple relationships showing cause, effect and simple conditions. • c » — • Reeds and digests at simple sentence level - one sentence at a time. Recognises Individual words, street names, public signs, shop names. READ 1 Extract detailed information and relate to situation. P 3 Socialise, react, repair, vary register, convey attitude. Can deal effectively with total strangers even on the tele-phone, control and Initiate. S f fill 3i! Can function in group ol strangers, discuss topics outside work. Could act as guide/ official, host to visitors, colleagues. Can present himself, make introductions.

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