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If you've ever cracked your phone before, the huge edge-to-edge display we expect from the upcoming Samsung Galaxy S8 may seem like an accident waiting to happen. But you may be safe if Samsung releases the Samsung Guard S8 protection plan, which is rumored to be available with the Galaxy S8 launch, reported Android Authority, citing German language site WinFuture. Samsung Guard S8 could act as an extended warranty, giving Galaxy owners another year of protection and including services like remote support, according to the story. It's rumored that the program could also provide a one-time free display replacement and quick-turnaround phone repairs (two hours).

Extended warranties are one way for phone makers to add an extra stream of revenue while also giving buyers peace of It wouldn't be an empty promise, More and more companies sell enhanced protection for screen breakages, offering to fix the problem more conveniently than having buyers reach out to a local phone repair shop on their own. Samsung currently offers Samsung Protection Plus for devices like the Galaxy S7, Galaxy S7 Edge, Galaxy Note 5 and Galaxy S6. This plan extends the manufacturer's standard yearlong warranty for another two years and provides up to two device replacements in a 12-month period. 169) to enroll, with an additional deductible when filing a claim.

Samsung Guard S8 may not come to all regions, and the rumor didn't include pricing. We are only two days away from the official Galaxy S8 launch on March 29, so expect more details coming very soon. Samsung did not respond to a request for comment. Now playing: Watch this: Galaxy Note 7 vs. S7 Edge drop test 4:44 We tested 5G speeds in 13 cities. Here's what we found: Faster speed versus more coverage. That's the most important issue for 5G networks today. Big four US carriers face off over 5G: We compare their peak speeds: We tested Verizon, AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile's early 5G network speeds two ways.

Keep the glass out of the iPad's internals. The left side of the iPad is a bit easier to cut through. You don’t have to worry about cables that could be sliced along the path. If you happen to accidentally hit the power switch and turn the iPad on, don’t worry. Take your time when prying off the old glass. Once the iPad’s glue has been heated and you’ve made a run through with the razor, it’s now relatively easy to begin prying out the glass with either the razor or a prying tool of your choice. One of two connectors that attach the display to the iPad.

After the broken glass has been pried off, leave it connected to the iPad and remove the four screws holding the display in place. Once the screws have been removed, you can move the display out of the way and remove the two connectors attached to the broken glass. You’ll need to recover your iPad’s camera module and the home button and swap it over to the new glass. This requires close work with your razor. Detach the camera module, make sure to cut off any bits of detritus from the old iPad glass and install it into the new glass.

Pierce recommended using Krazy Glue to keep the camera module in place and this helps hold things in place as needed. You'll need to glue the camera module to the new glass. You’ll need to unscrew the module holding the Home button in place, then cut off any bits of detritus still clinging to it. The home button can be cleanly inserted into the new glass and held in place with the rest of its transferred components. The home button needs to be installed into the new glass. It’s time to bid your broken iPad glass farewell and swap in the new glass. 40 on average for a piece of iPad glass available online.

Testing the new glass. Carefully attach the connectors, put the screws back in to hold the display in place, slide the glass into place, turn the iPad on and it’s time to begin testing the touchscreen functionality. Once you’re satisfied with its performance, it’s time to flip the new glass over and begin clearing the work area for the next steps. Applying glue for the new glass. 21 a tube and applies smoothly as if you were laying down cake frosting into your iPad’s frame, dodging sensitive cables and circuitry along your path. Apply a thin layer of adhesive around the frame, then gently lower the new iPad glass into place, putting even pressure around the edges as you settle the glass into the iPad. It goes almost without saying that a good clamp is about the most useful thing in the known universe. 3.41 each to hold the new screen in place. Distribute the clamps evenly around the edges, leave the glue to dry for a couple of hours and you’re good to go.

Apple will try to retrieve data from the water-damaged iPhone that belonged to one of the two teen boaters lost at sea last July off Florida, says a report. Perry Cohen and Austin Stephanos vanished during a fishing trip around July 24, but Stephanos' phone, which could hold clues to their fate, was recovered last month along with their boat off the coast of Bermuda. At a hearing Friday, the families of the two boys were able to reach an agreement about the phone, according to Miami TV station WPLG. The iPhone 6 will be shipped to Apple, and any data the company retrieves will be given to the court. The families had disagreed as to the fate of the device, with the Cohens worried that if law enforcement returned it to the Stephanos family, valuable data could be lost. Earlier this week, the Cohens filed suit, asking a judge for a preliminary injunction barring the return of the phone. The Stephanos family, meanwhile, said it had been talking with Apple about getting the phone to work again. The family said it had been doing so quietly, though, because of the recent publicity surrounding Apple's refusal to help the FBI retrieve data from a terrorist's iPhone. That conflict, the family thought, might interfere with its Apple did not respond to a request for comment.

Technically Incorrect offers a slightly twisted take on the tech that's taken over our lives. Some parts of the world are currently boiling. Why, some smaller jets can't even land at or takeoff from Phoenix Airport because it's 120 degrees. In the UK, of course, a heatwave is anything over 70. Brits begin to burn at that temperature. Still, it seems that one Apple customer didn't quite appreciate that her iPhone 6S might also be susceptible to a little sunstroke when it's 86 degrees outside. As CornwallLive reports, an unnamed woman discovered this to her cost. Her phone repair specialist, Dave Tech Guy, told CornwallLive: "It was a girl who had been out walking, had stopped for lunch, and the phone was on the top of her bag." Where it reportedly sat for an hour. Of course Dave Tech Guy isn't his real name.

It's David Gilmore. He posted images of the iPhone to his Facebook page on Tuesday. They are, indeed, gruesome. Posted by David Gilmore on Tuesday, June 20, 2017 The consequences were painful. Gilmore told CornwallLive. He said even the camera had melted. He believes the phone to be unsalvageable. Neither Apple nor Gilmore immediately responded to requests for comment. Don't just blame Uber. Apple support pages suggest that 32 degrees is the minimum and 95 degrees is the maximum temperature of tolerance for iOS devices. Moreover, iPhones normally offer a warning on the screen that they're getting a little too hot. Still, if this phone is indeed a write-off, it's a painful way to learn. Please remember, therefore, keep your phone out of the sun. And no, slathering sunscreen on it won't help. Technically Incorrect: Bringing you a fresh and irreverent take on tech. Special Reports: CNET's in-depth features in one place. 449 Sprint See It CNET may get a commission from retail offers. OS 13 comes with new Siri voice, dark mode, privacy features: All the new software Apple will soon deliver to your iPhone. We tested 5G speeds in 13 cities. Here's what we found: Faster speed versus more coverage. That's the most important issue for 5G networks today.

Everyone has seen pictures of floods and monsoons; tons of water crashing over roads, bridges, and even buildings. This type of water damage is obvious and very dramatic. Yet there is another type of damage from water that is much more insidious, more sneaky. This is the type that many people tend to ignore, but eventually regret ignoring. The little leak in the basement, the leaky rooftop, the damaged shingles, the damage on the walls, the musty carpet, the mold growing in the bathroom. You know the kind: it is not big enough to warrant immediate attention, so we just let it slide. The trouble is, water is relentless. It doesn't care if you are there or not, it just keeps on finding the path of least resistance.

This is why it is sneaky, it just sort of creeps up on you and one day you wake up with a damaged iPhone, or wet cell phone. Or maybe you hear some dripping that is new to your ears. Now the ceiling is damaged, or the hardwood flooring is damaged. If only you had taken preventative steps when you first noticed the water stains or smelled that musty smell! Now you need to do some serious restoration. Painting your basement floor, fixing a leaky foundation, or fixing a leaky roof are serious matters that demand your attention. You either pay now, or pay later.

It is less painful and cheaper to pay now. Most of the time, you can do the restoration on your own, at least, if you are handy and have time. If not, there are many reputable water damage specialists listed in the yellow pages. You can also contact a good contractor to get advice for hiring somebody to help with your problem. When you set about fixing your problem, you need to first determine what the cause of the problem is. If you don't know where it is coming from, you are only treating the symptoms and not the cause. Very often, the cause is far away from the obvious problem. One time I had a water leak in my living room ceiling that was very difficult to trace back to the source. Eventually I discovered a leaky roof shingle, but it was far, far away from the ceiling damage.

Water can travel along rafters and floor joists until it meets enough resistance to begin dripping. Leaky bathtubs, sinks and toilets are also very common, and often left to rot. Make no mistake, water is the enemy of your wooden house! It will destroy it, if it has a chance. Many times the cabinet under the sink is full of smelly mold and disgusting old rags that are breeding grounds for illness causing mold. This mold can be especially hard on children or the elderly. It is simply not fair the the young or old to be subject to this health hazard because the responsible person is negligent with fixing the water leak and subsequent mold. In very severe cases, people have to move out of the house, just to keep their Many slumlord type landlords refuse to properly fix these problems, causing a lot of needless suffering. The problem can become so severe that the entire house must be burned down.

Media captionSam Clark: "I have all 142 and an egg hatched Taurus" Could this mark the beginning of the end for Pokemon Go? A man has claimed to have become the first to catch all the characters available in the UK. Sam Clark posted an online video showing he had caught 143 virtual characters when playing the game around Southampton and Gosport. The 33-year-old said he has spent "pretty much every waking hour" on the app since it was launched on 6 July. Mr Clark said he had lost more than two stone in weight during the process and claimed his final catch was a Lapras found "round the back of Primark". The online augmented reality game - which is attracting millions of players - involves finding virtual Pokemon characters in real locations across the world.

Mr Clark said he completed the collection of all the 142 characters available in the UK, as well as a Tauros, - exclusive to the US, but which he had succeeded in hatching from an egg. A Brooklyn-based collector, Nick Johnson, was reported as completing the set in the US. Mr Clark, a phone repair engineer and lifelong gaming enthusiast, said he had spent hours walking around Southampton's city centre parks to try to track down the creatures. He also said Town Quay, where he caught a Gyarados, seemed to be a "hotspot" in the city. Mr Clark set up the Cyberjam Gaming group with other gaming enthusiasts and said more than 200 people had recently attended a Pokemon Go meet-up they had organised. It brings people together - there is no competition, everyone is just chuffed if you catch them.

Media captionRory Cellan-Jones compares Apple's new map app with Google maps Inaccuracies and misplaced towns and cities in Apple's new map software have provoked anger from users. In June Apple announced it would stop using Google Maps in favour of its own system, created using data from navigation firm TomTom and others. Apple is yet to comment on the complaints about the software, which comes already installed on the new iPhone. TomTom said it provided only data and was not responsible for how it worked. The software is packaged with iOS6, the latest version of Apple's operating system, which runs on the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.

Previously, the system had an app running mapping software from Google. But users are now forced to use Apple's new maps once they upgrade or buy the latest iPhone - which goes on sale on Friday. There is not currently a Google Maps app available in Apple's App Store, although Google's system is still accessible via the phone's web browser. Some towns appear to be missing, such as Stratford-upon-Avon and Solihull. Others, like Uckfield in East Sussex, are in the wrong location. Satellite images of various locations, particularly in Scotland, are obscured by cloud. A search for Manchester United Football Club directs users to Sale United Football Club, a community team for ages five and above. Users also reported missing local places, such as schools, or strange locations. Another screenshot showed a furniture museum that was apparently located in a river. OS6maps, has since been suspended. TomTom, which also licenses data to a range of other mobile manufacturers, defended its involvement. A spokesman told the BBC that its maps provided only a "foundation" to the service. It's a tremendous step backwards and something that cripples iOS for Apple's customers.

Probably the best cell phones we see available to be purchased nowadays are very costly, and the owner of the phone is probably going to utilize the phone ordinary. The frequency of utilization makes cell phones inclined to various kinds of harm or wear and tear. Because of the amount they spent on the cell phone in any case, the cell phone owner is probably not going to purchase another cell phone each time their present unit has an issue. A superior thought is taking the cell phone to a repair shop. There are numerous fantastic cell phone repair benefits that can fix your cell phone, and it will work superbly afterwards. A great deal of things can happen to your cell phone that may prompt you to take it to experts to fix your cell phone. They could get some moisture that may keep them from working productively.

They could likewise fall and have their screens crack which will make it difficult for you to utilize Their ear pieces could likewise be ruined and when that occurs, making or accepting calls will be rendered troublesome on the grounds that it will be inconceivable for either gathering to hear what the other party needs to state well. Whatever the issue is with your cell phone, it is advisable to take it to an expert to have it checked and fixed. Be that as it may, you can have a terrible encounter in the event that you take your cell phone to a repair shop who can't work admirably.

There are so many cell phone repairing shop around us so this can be very confusing and more than that when all the repairing shops offers same services. Many people can’t buy a new phone immediately when their phone get damaged or cracked this is why phone repairing shops are very important for them. Incase if you are in Ontario then the following are a few components you ought to consider before taking it to a shop of cell phone repair in Alliston Ontario. It is advisable to look at a few cell phone repair shops in Alliston Ontario before settling on one. Try not to settle indiscriminately for the principal shop you see. Realize what different repair shops do and what their services involve then because an examination of the considerable number of shops you to have.

There are others that need no bother with you to take your telephone to their shops. You will simply mail them then they will mail it back once it is fixed and you have paid them. Make due with the shop that you feel is best for You ought to have the information of the equipment the shop you plan to take your cell phone to uses. This is on the grounds that your cell phone will be ruined if the shops utilize the low quality material to fix your cell phone. Along these lines, guarantee that they utilize high quality material that won't hurt your telephone before you hand it over it to them for them to work on it.

The greater part of the best cell phone repair shops will offer you their price quotations immediately to make you aware of the amount you will pay them ahead of time for their services. They will likewise have that data on their sites to make it simpler for their customers to access such data. Check on the off chance that they can suit your model and compare their costs with different shops like iphone repair Alliston at that point agree to the one you Is There a Warranty? Cell phone repair services that offer a warranty are worth going with, as they will most likely offer a guarantee for half a month, or even months, for the fixes or replacements they've finished. Be that as it may, save parts are very eccentric, so it is ideal to utilize a service with a warranty in case of a sudden glitch shortly after fixes are finished. It is an incredible plan to utilize the services of cell phone repairers who focus on your brand of cell phone.

The iPhone is not an inexpensive cell phone to purchase. It is, on the other hand, susceptible to theft, damage and loss. You may leave it at a Starbucks one day and never being able to claim it back. If you can pay the hefty amount for an iPhone and a few extra dollars for that Grande Mocha Frappuccino, you can afford iPhone insurance. A small monthly fee could save you hundreds of dollars should anything happen to your iPhone. Till very recently, insurance providers were not offering iPhone insurance. Apple and AT&T still do not offer iPhone insurance. It may have been too expensive or too problematic for them. The good news is that iPhone insurance is now readily available through third party providers. Many people ask themselves if iPhone insurance is really worth it.

The following are a few reasons that provide the answer to that question. First, it is important to look at the statistics regarding iPhone loss and damage. Phone Water Damage Nearly 1.2 million phones face water damage in one year and thousands of them are iPhones. Once your phone falls into water, the chances of saving it are minimal to none. Apple is also keen on not allowing phone exchanges or returns in the event of water damage. Without insurance, the owner of a damaged iPhone will have to cough up a few hundreds to purchase another iPhone or simply downgrade to a less expensive cell phone.

Losing an iPhone More than 1.6 million phones are lost every year and thousands of them happen to be As much as you call the last store you were at and look under the seat of your car, once an iPhone is lost, there is no way of getting it back. If you leave your iPhone unattended, chances are someone will decide to take it. Even if you decide to purchase a refurbished iPhone, you will be spending another 150 dollars at the least. Replacing your iPhone with a brand new one is going to cost you more than double that price. In other words, rather than breaking the bank to replace your phone, you can purchase iPhone insurance.

You will be required to pay monthly fees but the total fees added up at the end of the year will cost less than a new phone. In this case, iPhone insurance is worth it. When you have insurance coverage on your phone and you make a claim for loss or damage, you will be sent a replacement phone in no time. It is important to do your research and find the best deals for insurance. Another crucial step to take is to check out the extent of coverage the insurance provides. This should include theft, loss, major damages, water damage and so on. A few scratches on your brand new iPhone are not included in the insurance policy. Be sure to check these conditions as well as the amount of time it takes to obtain your replacement. By understanding the financial burden you can potentially find yourself in when you lose your phone, it is more economical to invest in iPhone insurance instead.