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Diet has a very important role to play in ADHD and this is no secret. It is widely known that what we eat has an effect on how we feel and the case isn't any different with ADHD. So children who are affected with ADHD should be administered a proper diet and a lot of care must be taken by parents to ensure that the diet is followed. Listed below is some useful information about ADHD diet for your help.

1. Cut out on fast food - The most important thing to remember before beginning any ADHD diet is that junk food can prove to be poisonous for children with ADHD. The oil, salts and other ingredients commonly present in fast food cause a lot of harm and increaseSG11 hyperactivity and impulsiveness in children. They nullify the effects of the medicines and throw the treatment out of gear completely.

2. Less of dairy products - In a recent survey by the American Pediatric Association it was found that a high percentage of children suffered from milk allergy. Instead of cow milk, the child can have soy milk, rice milk or almond milk. Water consumption is also very important and the child must drink adequate amounts of water at regular intervals.

3. Lessen the intake of sugar - Though this point is contested, it is widely believed that sugar causes the symptoms of ADHD to increase. While one group of researches say that sugar has very little adverse effect on an ADHD patient, others strongly believe that sugar is not recommended for children with ADHD. So to be on the safe side, cut down the intake of sugar as much as possible. Leave chocolates, cakes and cookies out of the ADHD diet and focus on including healthier snacks and treats.

4. Don't include preservatives and MSG - An ADHD diet should essentially contain natural and fresh foods. So while buying meat, vegetables and cooked food, make sure you choose the ones that are free of preservatives. The chemicals cause a lot of harm and deter the treatment. MSG should be avoided in cooking too.

5. Fresh fruits and vegetables - Fresh fruits and vegetables must be included in every ADHD diet. There are very few things that are as nutritious as fresh fruits and veggies. So include them aplenty in the diet and see some great results.