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I will never ask you to touch your television screen while I pray to Deities in your behalf as I 15 Minute Manifestation

invoke their name and demand a cure, even for the little lady in Omaha who is now developing arthritis in her third vertebrate. Now, there is a cure for that little old lady, and as most of you suspect, it lies within her own being and she must learn to access her own inner healer and utilize the Helper within, and I hope to be able to show you how working through your own God given life, you can learn more about the workings of your inner world.You will read and begin to understand the grand design of nature as it co-operates with itself to bring about the best possible outcomes to all problems, given the leeway to operate unimpeded by distorted and faulty beliefs, within the current probabilities available to you at any time. You will begin to sense your integral part in nature itself. You will begin to understand the natural aspects of your life, and know that YOU are at the very center of the universe, as is every other living identity, and so being, that universe is at your disposal when you know how to navigate within its parameters.There are universal rules that are inviolate within your world, and operating within those rules, everything that is possible is probable to some extent. You have a responsibility to live your life in Knowledge, to search for it and to learn to speak for nature itself as all of nature dreams for the entire world. You may seem to stand apart from nature, but you cannot stand apart from that which you are. Knowledge is not given to those who do not look for it.You were not given the awesome gift of life to squander it, but if you choose to do that, you lose nothing more than time, oh, and one life. (smiling). You were made "consciousness living in matter" by your Soul/Entity and there was no instruction booklet given, lest it compromise or color your life experience. You are bound to learn that operating confidently within the natural world, you will find that life flows easy and to your satisfaction and to the satisfaction of mankind. I have said this before, and I am sure some cringe when I say it, but I can assure you what follows is true and not some Pollyanna statement, and it is not one of those "Symbolic" statements that are just too good to be true.