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Latest revision as of 06:41, 7 January 2019

Back to the hungry "on" signal... The hungry "on" switch turns on the APEX Body Cleanse foraging activities...hunting and gathering. Nowadays of course, we don't have to go out and hunt and gather to satisfy our hunger, we just open the fridge, or pop out for a takeaway or if we're feeling really lazy order home delivery.Hungry "off" signal By design, the hungry "off" signal is not as powerful as the hungry "on" signal. The reason is that, pre-historically, survival required action and it was always useful to have a supply readily available in the form of body fat.

However, that's not to say that the body over the long-term didn't maintain a relatively precise energy balance.Of course, our modern lifestyle is radically different from that of even 100 years ago, let alone compared with pre-history... but our genetic makeup has changed little and certainly hasn't adjusted itself to a lifestyle of inactivity and plenty. Can you see the problem the body has in trying to maintain a healthy energy balance in conditions imposed on it that are in an historical sense, foreign to it.

But cheer up, all is not lost, we do have some other players on our team... Introducing... belly distension! We all, no doubt, have experienced or should I say observed, at one time or other the expansion of our stomach following a big meal. It feels uncomfortable, and it's meant to, for it's a signal to your brain that you're full. Unfortunately, it takes time to become apparent by which you've probably already eaten too much. But at least it's a start!So what else do we have on our side? How about gut hormones!We have a back-up system provided by the release of certain substances in the gut. These travel to the brain where they increase feelings of satisfaction. They also tell the stomach it's time for serious digestion to start.