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What does it look like to choose to behave in agreement with our 6 Figure Speaker beliefs? We do not look outside ourselves for the ultimate approval of others. We look inside ourselves to be guided by our own beliefs. We choose not to succumb to the titillating temptation to "get away with it". We can coolly assess that tendency as a hubristic belief that we are too important to conform to what we imagine are the codes that guide lesser mortals.We must believe we are too "special" to follow the norms. This is a wrong headed perversion of reality. Again, it puts the guidance for our choices outside ourself. The next time you are tempted to do something simply because you can get away with it - reconsider.

When you hear the word "maturity" what comes to mind? Do you think it means old and boring? Does it sound like someone who doesn't have any fun? Do you imagine that maturity is something to be avoided at all costs? Do you equate maturity with responsibility and consider that a reason to run? Do you think it means being crotchety and disapproving? Does maturity make you remember a bunch of old people sitting around doing nothing and you find the concept abhorrent? Here are some other ideas about what maturity might mean.Maturity might mean having wisdom to share. This does not mean being a busybody and sticking your nose in other people's business. It does not mean giving unwanted "advice". It does not mean manipulatively giving your opinion so as to get your own way.

Wisdom is about sharing life experience in such a way that others (who desire the information) can make life affirming and ultimately more satisfying choices for their own lives. Perhaps you have learned how to have more satisfying relationships or how to have rewarding marital relationships or how to communicate effectively. Great wisdom is about how to be more effective in life, how to end up happier and how to most enjoy living. Think of maturity as having wisdom to share. How are you wise?