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Fear and Doubt. Fear and doubt may even numb you from taking action. When 6 Figure Speaker people try to talk you out of your dreams, they do so because of their own fears and doubts. It does not necessarily mean they do not believe you will succeed. It is important for you to believe in your dreams and for you to continue to take steps toward reaching your goals even if they are small ones. You will never be able to realize the full impact of the small steps you take until you reach your big destination.Act as "if". Imagine what your life would be like if you already achieved your goals. Live the role you wish to be in. Start dressing that part. You may only start with one outfit. Plan your day allowing some time for visualization so that you keep focussed on your end goal. You will alter your mindset and find ways to achieve your goals.

There will be times that your goals will be big and you will move swiftly toward them. There will be other times you may move slowly with small increments of progress. What you need to know is that no matter how fast you are going, if you have persistent action, you will eventually get there and achieve your goals. The biggest question that remains is "What is your will to achieve your goals? How badly do you want to achieve them? What action could you take today to get one step closer to your goals?

As we arrive at the end of the first decade of the 21st century, success is being redefined and achieved in new and exciting ways. I believe in the 21st century, success will be increasingly about authenticity, intentional living, global awareness, and contribution as a global citizen. How can you improve your chances for success this year and beyond? The following are 10 concepts that more and more successful people are learning to master.Be Present - Be real, grounded, present about your reality and true feelings; come from a place of pure honesty with yourself.