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Latest revision as of 04:35, 10 December 2018

The financial burden of caring for a pet in a Alphanation Combat Fighter devastated economy can wreak psychological havoc amongst pet owners when they find themselves competing for the same food and water resources as their pet. The pet owners surely has the best intention for the well being of the pet but when the worst has happened and the owner is forced to choose between self preservation and pet preservation, often times it is the pet who suffers. The best solution is to prevent this scenario from happening. Find a pet shelter, find a pet boarding facility, or make arrangements to move the pet to a friend or family member's home - in an unaffected area - before the storm hits. The immeasurable psychological damage of this scenario is easy to stave off with simple prevention.

If you are in an affected area, you need to move to a shelter, friend or relative's house, or to a hotel room where available. While the macho concept of protecting the homestead is honorable and appreciated, the lack of food, clean water, and the constant image of loss is too much on even the toughest psyche. Nothing adds insult to injury better than hunger pains and communicable diseases obtained in a disaster. The need or desire to protect your nonfunctioning and completely unusable 60" HD LCD TV is foolish, it can be replaced... pick up and move on. The best defense against loss is photographic or video evidence.