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(Procesador Automatico De Loteria Revision)
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Latest revision as of 07:11, 4 December 2018

Sometimes, you send out a squad of select troops procesador-automatico-de-loteria-revision/ on a reconnaissance mission (pre-flop minimum raise). Sometimes, you use a platoon to provoke a skirmish to test the enemy's strength of will (semi-bluff re-raise). Sometimes, you commit a division to summarily claim an important battle (pot-sized river bet). And, sometimes you attack with the full force of your entire army (push all-in) to destroy an enemy, right then and there.

Other times, you cut at the edges of the enemy, as if you were nothing more than a band of guerrilla fighters (stealing blinds). Then, there are the unpleasant times when you must retreat (fold on the turn). And, there are also the times when you appear to retreat, but only to lay an ambush (checking with a set). Just to sweeten the challenge, you and your troops are always out numbered, at least when war is declared.