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The SGameObject class refers a single Game Object active within the scene.
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=Public Member Functions=
{{ScriptFunction|SGameObject|Duplicate|();|Copies the object and returns a reference to the copy. Equivalent to calling Instantiate() in Unity|5= local copy = Object.Duplicate();}}
{{ScriptFunction|void|Destroy|();|Schedules this object for deletion at the end of the frame|Object.Destroy();}}
{{ScriptFunction|SLight|AddLight|()|Adds a Light component to the object.|5=
local obj = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;<br><br>
''-- add the Light component to the object if there is none''<br>
if obj.Light == null then<br>
''-- prints "SLight" to the console. Now we can work with the Light component on this object.''}}
{{ScriptFunction|SAudioSource|AddAudioSource|()|Adds an AudioSource component to the object.|5=
local obj = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;<br><br>
''-- add the AudioSource component to the object if there is none''<br>
if obj.Audio == null then<br>
''-- prints "SAudioSource" to the console. Now we can work with the AudioSource component on this object.''}}
{{ScriptFunction|SClickable|AddClickable|()|Adds a Clickable component to the object.|5=
local obj = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;<br><br>
''-- add the Clickable component to the object if there is none''<br>
if obj.Clickable == null then<br>
''-- prints "SClickable" to the console. Now we can work with the Clickable component on this object.''}}
{{ScriptFunction|SRigidbody|AddRigidbody|()|Adds a Rigidbody component to the object.|5=
local obj = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;<br><br>
''-- add the Rigidbody component to the object if there is none''<br>
if obj.Rigidbody == null then<br>
''-- prints "SRigidbody" to the console. Now we can work with the Rigidbody component on this object.''}}
{{ScriptFunction|SNavMeshAgent|AddNavMeshAgent|()|Adds a NavMeshAgent component to the object.|5=
local obj = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;<br><br>
''-- add the NavMeshAgent component to the object if there is none''<br>
if obj.NavMeshAgent == null then<br>
''-- prints "SNavMeshAgent" to the console. Now we can work with the NavMeshAgent component on this object.''}}
{{ScriptFunction|SSeat|AddSeat|()|Adds a Seat component to the object.|5=
local obj = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;<br><br>
''-- add the Seat component to the object if there is none''<br>
if obj.Seat == null then<br>
''-- prints "SSeat" to the console. Now we can work with the Seat component on this object.''}}
{{ScriptFunction|void|SubscribeToEvents|();|Causes this script to start listening to events on the object. Only use if you need to.|5=<pre>Space.Host.ExecutingObject.SubscribeToEvents()</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|void|OnAwake|(Action callback)|Binds a event to the Awake() event. Requires SubscribeToEvents be called first.|5=<pre>function F()
{{ScriptFunction|void|OnStart|(Action callback)|Binds a event to the Start() event. Requires SubscribeToEvents be called first.|5=<pre>function F()
{{ScriptFunction|void|OnEnable|(Action callback)|Binds a event to the OnEnable() event. Requires SubscribeToEvents be called first.|5=<pre>function F()
{{ScriptFunction|void|OnDisable|(Action callback)|Binds a event to the OnDisable() event. Requires SubscribeToEvents be called first.|5=<pre>function F()
{{ScriptFunction|void|OnFixedUpdate|(Action callback)|Binds a event to the OnFixedUpdate() event. Requires SubscribeToEvents be called first.|5=<pre>function F()
{{ScriptFunction|void|OnLateUpdate|(Action callback)|Binds a event to the OnLateUpdate() event. Requires SubscribeToEvents be called first.|5=<pre>function F()
{{ScriptFunction|void|OnUpdate|(Action callback)|Binds a event to the OnUpdate() event. Requires SubscribeToEvents be called first.|5=<pre>function F()
{{ScriptFunction|void|OnMouseDown|(Action callback)|Binds a event to the OnMouseDown() event. Requires SubscribeToEvents be called first.|5=<pre>function F()
{{ScriptFunction|bool|Active|{ get; set; }|Is this object Active in the scene|5= Object.Active = true;}}
{{ScriptFunction|int|Layer|{ get; set; }|Gets/Sets the object onto a particular layer (0-31)|Space.Log("This object is on the layer " .. Object.Layer);}}
{{ScriptFunction|string|Tag|{ get; }|Gets this objects Tag|Space.Log("Object Tag is " .. Object.Tag);}}
{{ScriptFunction|string|Name|{ get; set; }|Gets/sets the name of this object|5= Object.Name = "Hello World!";}}
{{ScriptFunction|bool|Exists|{ get; }|Does this object still exist in the scene (returns false if the object has been deleted via Destroy();)|if(!Object.Exists) return;}}
{{ScriptFunction|SGameObject|Parent|{ get; set; }|Gets/sets the parent GameObject of this object. Assign nil/null to set this as the root.|5=
''-- For this example, 2 separate Game Objects ("Cube", "Cube (1)") are used.''<br>
''-- This Scripting Runtime is the component of the "Cube" object.''<br>
''-- 1 Object Reference is used: Name: Cube1, references "Cube (1)".'' <br><br>
local obj = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;<br><br>
obj.Parent = Space.Host.GetReference("Cube1");<br>
''-- Now "Cube (1)" is the parent of "Cube" (can be observed in Hierarchy).''}}
{{ScriptFunction|SGameObject|Root|{ get; }|Gets the root of this object group - may be this object.|5=
''-- For this example, 3 separate Game Objects ("Cube", "Cube (1)", "Cube (2)") are used.''<br>
''-- "Cube" is the parent of "Cube (1)", "Cube (1)" is the parent of "Cube (2)"''<br>
''-- This Scripting Runtime is the component of the "Cube (2)" object.'' <br><br>
local obj = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;<br><br>
''-- prints "Cube" to the console''}}
{{ScriptFunction|SGameObject[]|Children|{ get; }|Returns the list of direct children of this object.|5=
''-- For this example, 3 separate Game Objects ("Cube", "Cube (1)", "Cube (2)") are used.''<br>
''-- "Cube" is the parent of both "Cube (1)" and "Cube (2)" (in this order in the hierarchy).''<br>
''-- This Scripting Runtime is the component of the "Cube" object.'' <br><br>
local obj = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;<br><br>
''-- prints "Cube (1)" to the console''<br>
''-- prints "Cube (2)" to the console''<br>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SVector|WorldPosition|{ get; set; }|Gets or sets the current position of this object relative to the scene|5=<pre>Space.Host.ExecutingObject.WorldPosition = Vector.New(1,1,1)</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SVector|LocalPosition|{ get; set; }|Gets or sets the current position of this object relative to the objects parent, taking into account local position/scale/rotation|5=<pre>Space.Host.ExecutingObject.LocalPosition = Vector.New(1,1,1)</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SQuaternion|WorldRotation|{ get; set; }|Gets or sets the current rotation of this object relative to the scene|5=<pre>Space.Host.ExecutingObject.WorldRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0,180,0)</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SQuaternion|LocalRotation|{ get; set; }|Gets or sets the current rotation of this object relative to the parent object|5=<pre>Space.Host.ExecutingObject.LocalRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0,180,0)</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SVector|LocalScale|{ get; set; }|Gets or sets the current scale of this object relative to the parent|5=<pre>Space.Host.ExecutingObject.LocalScale = Vector.New(2,2,2)</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SVector|WorldScale|{ get; }|Gets the current scale of this object relative to the scene|5=<pre>worldScale = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.WorldScale </pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SVector|Forward|{ get; }|Returns the forward direction vector of this game object (blue arrow)|5=
local obj = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;<br><br>
obj.WorldRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0,0,0);<br>
''-- prints "[0,0,1]" to the console''<br>
obj.WorldRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0,90,0);<br>
''-- prints "[1,0,0]" to the console - now it points in the direction the Right directional vector was pointing in.''}}
{{ScriptFunction|SVector|Up|{ get; }|Returns the up direction vector of this game object (green arrow)|5=
local obj = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;<br><br>
obj.WorldRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0,0,0);<br>
''-- prints "[0,1,0]" to the console''<br>
obj.WorldRotation = Quaternion.Euler(90,0,0);<br>
''-- prints "[0,0,1]" to the console - now it points in the direction the Forward directional vector was pointing in.''}}
{{ScriptFunction|SVector|Right|{ get; }|Returns the right direction vector of this game object (red arrow)|5=
local obj = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;<br><br>
obj.WorldRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0,0,0);<br>
''-- prints "[1,0,0]" to the console''<br>
obj.WorldRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0,0,90);<br>
''-- prints "[0,1,0]" to the console - now it points in the direction the Up directional vector was pointing in.''}}
{{ScriptFunction|SLight|Light|{ get; }|Returns a reference to a Light component on the object. Will return null if it does not exist.|5=
local obj = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;<br><br>
''-- add the Light component to the object if there is none''<br>
if obj.Light == null then<br>
:obj.AddLight ();<br>
''-- Now we can work with the Light component on this object.''<br>
''-- For example, let's set its colour to Red:''<br>
obj.Light.Color = Vector.New(1,0,0);}}
{{ScriptFunction|SAnimator|Animator|{ get; }|Returns a reference to a Animator component on the object. Will return null if it does not exist.|5=
local obj = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;<br><br>
''-- prints "SAnimator" to the console if there is an Animator component on this object, or an empty string, if there is none.''}}
{{ScriptFunction|SAudioSource|Audio|{ get; }|Returns a reference to a AudioSource component on the object. Will return null if it does not exist.|5=
local obj = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;<br><br>
''-- add the AudioSource component to the object if there is none''<br>
if obj.Audio == null then<br>
''-- Now we can work with the AudioSource component on this object.''<br>
''-- For example, let's set its volume to 0.25:''<br>
obj.Audio.Volume = 0.25;}}
{{ScriptFunction|SBrowserSurface|Browser|{ get; }|Returns a reference to a BrowserSurface component on the object. Will return null if it does not exist.|5=
local obj = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;<br><br>
''-- If this object has a BrowserSurface component, the script will reload the page in it''<br>
if obj.Browser ~= null then<br>
:obj.Browser.Reload ();<br>
{{ScriptFunction|SRenderer|Renderer|{ get; }|Returns a reference to a Renderer component on the object. Will return null if it does not exist.|5=
local obj = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;<br><br>
''-- If this object has a Renderer component, let's colour its material blue!''<br>
if obj.Renderer ~= null then<br>
:obj.Renderer.Material.SetColor("_Color", 0, 0, 1, 1);<br>
{{ScriptFunction|SClickable|Clickable|{ get; }|Returns a reference to a Clickable component on the object. Will return null if it does not exist.|5=
local obj = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;<br><br>
''-- add the Clickable component to the object if there is none''<br>
if obj.Clickable == null then<br>
''--Now we can work with the Clickable component on this object.''<br>
''-- Let's add an option for the object to be moved up by 1 every time that option is chosen:''<br>
local deltaPos = Vector.New(0,1,0);<br><br>
function MoveItUp ()
:obj.WorldPosition = obj.WorldPosition + deltaPos;<br>
obj.Clickable.AddExtraAction ("Move up", "Moves the object up by 1.", MoveItUp);}}
{{ScriptFunction|SRigidbody|Rigidbody|{ get; }|Returns a reference to a Rigidbody component on the object. Will return null if it does not exist.|5=
local obj = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;<br><br>
''-- add the Rigidbody component to the object if there is none''<br>
if obj.Rigidbody == null then<br>
''-- Now we can work with the Rigidbody component on this object.''<br>
''-- Let's make it spin!''<br>
obj.Rigidbody.UseGravity = false;<br>
obj.Rigidbody.AngularDrag = 0;<br>
obj.Rigidbody.AngularVelocity = Vector.New(0,Space.Math.Pi/2,0);}}
{{ScriptFunction|SCollider|Collider|{ get; }|Returns a reference to a Collider component on the object. Will return null if it does not exist.|5=
local obj = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;<br>
''-- If this object has a Collider component, let's make it a trigger:''<br>
if obj.Collider ~= null then
:obj.Collider.IsTrigger = true;
{{ScriptFunction|SUIText|UIText|{ get; }|Returns a reference to a UI.Text component on the object. Will return null if it does not exist.|5=<pre>uitext = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.UIText </pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SNavMeshAgent|NavMeshAgent|{ get; }|Returns a reference to a NavMeshAgent component on the object. Will return null if it does not exist.|5=
local obj = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;<br><br>
''-- add the NavMeshAgent component to the object if there is none''<br>
if obj.NavMeshAgent == null then<br>
''-- prints "SNavMeshAgent" to the console. Now we can work with the NavMeshAgent component on this object.''}}
{{ScriptFunction|SSeat|Seat|{ get; }|Returns a reference to a Seat component on the object. Will return null if it does not exist.|5=
local obj = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;<br><br>
''-- add the Seat component to the object if there is none''<br>
if obj.Seat == null then<br>
''-- prints "SSeat" to the console. Now we can work with the Seat component on this object.''}}
{{ScriptFunction|long|Owner|{ get; }|Returns the GameObject's Owner|5= <pre>Owner = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.Owner</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|int|LocalID|{ get; }|Returns the GameObject's Local ID|5= <pre>LocalID = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.LocalID</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|int|InventoryID|{ get; }|Return's the GameObject's InventoryID|5= <pre>InventoryID = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.InventoryID</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|bool|HasStableID|{ get; }|Returns true if GameObject has Stable ID|5= <pre>HasStableID = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.HasStableID</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|string|GlobalID|{ get; }|Returns the global ID of the GameObject|5= <pre>GlobalID = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.GlobalID</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SHingeJoint|HingeJoint|{ get; }|Returns a HingeJoint component attached to this object, or nil if none exist|5= <pre>HingeJoint = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.HingeJoint</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SLight|Light|{ get; }|Returns a Light component attached to this object, or nil if none exist|5= <pre>Light = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.Light</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SReflectionProbe|ReflectionProbe|{ get; }|Returns a ReflectionProbe component attached to this object, or nil if none exist|5= <pre>ReflectionProbe = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.ReflectionProbe</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SLight|LightInChild|{ get; }|Returns a Light component attached to this object or its children, or nil if none exist|5= <pre>LightInChild = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.LightInChild</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SLight|LightInParent|{ get; }|Returns a Light component attached to this object or it's parent, or nil if none exist|5= <pre>LightInParent = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.LightInParent</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SRoomFloor|Floor|{ get; }|Returns a RoomFloor component attached to this object, or nil if none exist|5= <pre>Floor = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.Floor</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SAnimation|Animation|{ get; }|Returns an Animation component attached to this object, or nil if none exist Animation is a legacy component and should not be confused with Animator|5= <pre>Animation = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.Animation</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SCanvasGroup|CanvasGroup|{ get; }|Returns  Canvas Group component attached to this object, or nil if none exist|5= <pre>CanvasGroup = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.CanvasGroup</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SVoiceZone|VoiceZone|{ get; }|Returns a VoiceZone component attached to this object, or nil if none exist|5= <pre>VoiceZone = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.VoiceZone</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SPlayableDirector|Director|{ get; }|Returns a PlayableDirector component attached to this object, or nil if none exist|5= <pre>Director = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.Director</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SModularVehicle|Vehicle|{ get; }|Returns a Modular Vehicle component attached to this object, or nil if none exist |5= <pre>Vehicle = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.Vehicle</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SPostProcessVolume|PostProcessVolume|{ get; }|Returns a Post Process Volume component attached to this object, or nil if none exist|5= <pre>PostProcessVolume = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.PostProcessVolume</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SAXModel|Archimatix|{ get; }|Returns a Archimatix Model ("AXModel" component) - or Nil if nothing exists|5= <pre>Archimatix = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.Archimatix</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SEmbeddedVideo|EmbeddedVideo|{ get; }|Returns a Embedded Video component attached to this object, or nil if none exist|5= <pre>EmbeddedVideo = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.EmbeddedVideo</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SAvatar|Avatar|{ get; }|Return's GameObject's Avatar|5= <pre>Avatar = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.Avatar</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SAvatarAppearance|AvatarAppearance|{ get; }|Returns a AvatarAppearance component attached to this object, or nil if none exist|5= <pre>AvatarAppearance = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.AvatarAppearance</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SScriptingRuntime|Script|{ get; }|Returns a Scripting Runtime component attached to this object, or nil if none exist |5= <pre>Script = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.Script</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|long|StateMachine|{ get; }|Returns a State Machine component attached to this object, or nil if none exist |5= <pre>StateMachine = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.StateMachine</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SScriptingEvents|Events|{ get; }|Returns a Scripting Events component attached to this object, or nil if none exist |5= <pre>Events = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.Events</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SScriptingData|Data|{ get; }|Returns a Scripting Data component attached to this object, or nil if none exist|5= <pre>Data = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.Data</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SBoxCollider|BoxCollider|{ get; }|Returns a Box Collider component attached to this object, or nil if none exist|5= <pre>BoxCollider = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.BoxCollider</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SSphereCollider|SphereCollider|{ get; }|Returns a Sphere Collider component attached to this object, or nil if none exist|5= <pre>SphereCollider = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.SphereCollider</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SCapsuleCollider|CapsuleCollider|{ get; }|Returns a Capsule Collider component attached to this object, or nil if none exist|5= <pre>CapsuleCollider = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.CapsuleCollider</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SCharacterController|CharacterController|{ get; }|Returns a Character Controller component attached to this object, or nil if none exist|5= <pre>CharacterController = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.CharacterController</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SAudioReactiveBase|AudioReactive|{ get; }|Returns the first Audio Reactive component attached to this object, or nil if none exist|5= <pre>AudioReactive = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.AudioReactive</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SAttachmentHelper|AttachmentHelper|{ get; }|Returns the first Attachment Helper component attached to this object, or nil if none exist |5= <pre>AttachmentHelper = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.AttachmentHelper</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SAudioReactiveAnimation|AudioReactiveAnimation|{ get; }|Returns the first Audio Reactive Animation component attached to this object, or nil if none exist |5= <pre>AudioReactiveAnimation = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.AudioReactiveAnimation</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SAudioReactiveLight|AudioReactiveLight|{ get; }|Returns the first Audio Reactive Light component attached to this object, or nil if none exist |5= <pre>AudioReactiveLight = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.AudioReactiveLight</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SAudioReactiveParticleSystem|AudioReactiveParticleSystem|{ get; }|Returns the first Audio Reactive Particle System component attached to this object, or nil if none exist |5= <pre>AudioReactiveParticleSystem = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.AudioReactiveParticleSystem</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SAudioReactiveMaterial|AudioReactiveMaterial|{ get; }|Returns the first Audio Reactive Material component attached to this object, or nil if none exist|5= <pre>AudioReactiveMaterial = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.AudioReactiveMaterial</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SAudioReactiveTransform|AudioReactiveTransform|{ get; }|Returns the first Audio Reactive Transform component attached to this object, or nil if none exist |5= <pre>AudioReactiveTransform = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.AudioReactiveTransform</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|STrailRenderer|TrailRenderer|{ get; }|Returns a Unity component attached to this object, or nil if none exist|5= <pre>TrailRenderer = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.TrailRenderer</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SLineRenderer|LineRenderer|{ get; }|Returns a Unity component attached to this object, or nil if none exist |5= <pre>LineRenderer = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.LineRenderer</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SUILayout|UILayout|{ get; }|Returns a Renderer component attached to this object, or nil if none exist|5= <pre>UILayout = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.UILayout</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SUIToggle|UIToggle|{ get; }|Returns a Unity uGUI Toggle component attached to this object, or nil if none exist |5= <pre>UIToggle = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.UIToggle</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SUIDropdown|UIDropdown|{ get; }|Returns a Unity uGUI Dropdown component attached to this object, or nil if none exist |5= <pre>UIDropdown = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.UIDropdown</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SUIButton|UIButton|{ get; }|Returns a Unity uGUI Dropdown component attached to this object, or nil if none exist |5= <pre>UIButton = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.UIButton</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SUISlider|UISlider|{ get; }|Returns a Unity uGUI Slider component attached to this object, or nil if none exist|5= <pre>UISlider = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.UISlider</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SUIScrollbar|UIScrollbar|{ get; }|Returns a Unity uGUI Scrollbar component attached to this object, or nil if none exist|5= <pre>UIScrollbar = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.UIScrollbar</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SUICanvas|UICanvas|{ get; }|Returns a Unity uGUI Canvas component attached to this object, or nil if none exist|5= <pre>UICanvas = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.UICanvas</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SUIImage|UIImage|{ get; }|Returns a Unity uGUI Image component attached to this object, or nil if none exist|5= <pre>UIImage = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.UIImage</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SUIRawImage|UIRawImage|{ get; }|Returns a Unity uGUI Text component attached to this object, or nil if none exist|5= <pre>UIRawImage = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.UIRawImage</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SUIInputField|UIInputField|{ get; }|Returns a Unity uGUI Text component attached to this object, or nil if none exist|5= <pre>UIInputField = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.UIInputField</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SVirtualCamera|VirtualCamera|{ get; }|Returns a VirtualCamera component attached to this object, or nil if none exists|5= <pre>VirtualCamera = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.VirtualCamera</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SCloth|Cloth|{ get; }|Returns a Cloth component attached to this object, or nil if none exists|5= <pre>Cloth = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.Cloth</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SMeshRenderer|MeshRenderer|{ get; }|Returns a MeshRenderer component attached to this object, or nil if none exists|5= <pre>MeshRenderer = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.MeshRenderer</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SFurniture|Furniture|{ get; }|Returns a Furniture component attached to this object, or nil if none exists|5= <pre>Furniture = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.Furniture</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SParticleSystem|ParticleSystem|{ get; }|Returns a ParticleSystem component attached to this object, or nil if none exists|5= <pre>ParticleSystem = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.ParticleSystem</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SNavMeshObstacle|NavMeshObstacle|{ get; }|Returns a NavMeshObstacle component attached to this object, or nil if none exists|5= <pre>NavMeshObstacle = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.NavMeshObstacle</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SRectTransform|RectTransform|{ get; }|Returns a RectTransform component attached to this object, or nil if none exists|5= <pre>RectTransform = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.RectTransform</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SSkinnedMeshRenderer|SkinnedMeshRenderer|{ get; }|Returns a SkinnedMeshRenderer component attached to this object, or nil if none exists|5= <pre>SkinnedMeshRenderer = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.SkinnedMeshRenderer</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SSceneBackgroundMusic|Radio|{ get; }|Returns a SceneBackgroundMusic component attached to this object, or nil if none exists|5= <pre>Radio = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.Radio</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|STerrain|Terrain|{ get; }|Returns a Terrain component attached to this object, or nil if none exists|5= <pre>Terrain = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.Terrain</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|bool|Alive|{ get; }|Returns true if GameObject is Alive|5= <pre>Alive = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.Alive</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|bool|ActiveSelf|{ get;set; }|Returns true if GameObject is Active (even if it's parent is not active)|5= <pre>ActiveSelf = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.ActiveSelf</pre>}}
{{ScriptFunction|SEventCalendar|EventCalendar|{ get; }|Returns an EventCalendar component attached to this object, or nil if none exists||5= <pre>EventCalendar = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.EventCalendar</pre>}}
{{Scripting Navbox}}

Latest revision as of 07:54, 19 September 2022

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