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The SWebService class allows you to contact servers you control via HTTP[S] and GET or POST data strings.
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To prevent Space users from unintentionally becoming part of a DDoS botnet, the Space client will first check for a file on a domain before allowing communications with the domain. If this file cannot be found, it will no longer communicate with that domain until the user logs.
To setup your server for communication with space, in the root of your domain, on the port you are using, place a file named '' containing 'SPACE_OK'. E.g. - if this file is not present, you will be unable to use scripting to communicate with the domain. ''Note: you should use HTTPS for all API calls if you want these to work reliably in WebGL. You may also need to implement a CORS policy in your webserver headers.''
It should be noted that the callback function to handle the WebResponse MUST BE DEFINED PRIOR TO CALLING or a script crash will occur. Thanks to Serp Serpton for this highly relevant detail.
{{ScriptFunction|void|Get|(string url, Action<SWebResponse> onComplete);|Performs a HTTP[S] GET against URL and returns the contents as a SWebResponse|
5 = ''--For example, you want to get a game data from your domain''
local userID = "AvatarID" ''--You can using Space.Scene.PlayerAvatar to get the current player's info''<br>
local gameID = "GameID" ''--Just an example, like you have more than one game hosted''<br>
local sentData = "" .. userID .. "&game=" .. gameID<br>
local response = function(data)<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;if data.Error == nil then<br>
'''Spade.WebService.Get'''(sentData, response)<br>
''--Phase the response to get what you need''}}
{{ScriptFunction|void|Post|(string url, string data, Action<SWebResponse> onComplete);|Performs a HTTP[S] POST against URL using data as a post string and returns the contents as a SWebResponse|
5 = local value1 = "SomeValue1"<br>
local value2 = "SomeValue2"<br>
local url = ""<br>
local sentData = "variable1=" .. value1 .. "&variable2=" .. value2<br>
local response = function(data)<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;if data.Error == nil then<br>
'''webService.Post'''(url, sentData, response)<br>
''-- NOTE: variable1 and variable2 would match Post variables in someScript.php.''}}
{{ScriptFunction|SResource|GetImage|(string url);|Returns a valid SResource for a image on a remote domain that can be used via e.g. [[Scripting/SMaterial]]. While the image loads, it will be a white pixel that will be substituted with the real image once loaded.|5 = function hithere()
  image = "mrlee.jpg"
  server = ""
  obj = Space.Host.GetReference("dispobj")
  resrc = Space.WebServices.GetImage(server .. "mrlee.jpg")
  obj.Renderer.Material.SetTexture("_MainTex", resrc)
{{Scripting Navbox}}

Latest revision as of 07:06, 19 September 2022

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