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Revision as of 21:10, 16 July 2017 by Kay T Burnett (Talk | contribs) (Added Velocity and WorldCenterOfMass ; more grammar fixing)

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The Rigidbody class works with the physics of the object. Requires the Rigidbody component to function.



float AngularDrag { get; set; }

The angular drag of the object.

local obj = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;

-- Set a new angular drag value
obj.Rigidbody.AngularDrag = 0.20;

-- Get the current angular drag value

-- prints "0.200000..." to the console


SVector AngularVelocity { get; set; }

The angular velocity vector of the rigidbody (in radians per second).

local obj = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;

-- Set a new angular velocity vector
obj.Rigidbody.AngularVelocity = Vector.New(0,Space.Math.Pi,0);
-- Now the object is rotating about the Y axis at a speed of 180 degrees per second
-- (or 30 revolutions per minute)

-- Get the current angular velocity vector

-- prints "[0, 3.141593, 0]" to the console


SVector CenterOfMass { get; set; }

The center of mass relative to the local origin.

local obj = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;

-- Set a new center of mass
obj.Rigidbody.CenterOfMass = Vector.New(1,0,0);
-- Now the object's center of mass has been moved by 1 at the X axis

-- Get the current center of mass

-- prints "[1, 0, 0]" to the console


float Drag { get; set; }

The drag of the object.

local obj = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;

-- Set a new drag value
obj.Rigidbody.Drag = 20;
-- Now the object's drag is set to 20 - the higher the number, the more it is resistant to gravity

-- Get the current drag value

-- prints "20" to the console


bool FreezeRotation { get; set; }

Controls whether physics will have any impact on the rotation of the object.

local obj = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;

-- Set FreezeRotation to True
obj.Rigidbody.FreezeRotation = true;
-- Now under no circumstances the object's rotation coordinates will change.

-- Get the FreezeRotation value (find out if Freeze Rotation is in action)

-- prints "True" to the console


bool Kinematic { get; set; }

Controls whether physics will have any impact on the object.

local obj = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;

-- Set Kinematic to True
obj.Rigidbody.Kinematic = true;
-- Now the object will not be affected by gravity, collisions, or other forces.

-- Get the Kinematic value (find out if Kinematic is in action)

-- prints "True" to the console


float Mass { get; set; }

The mass of the rigidbody.

local obj = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;

-- Set a new mass of the rigidbody
obj.Rigidbody.Mass = 0.1;

-- Get the current value of the rigidbody's mass

-- prints "0.1000000..." to the console


float MaxAngularVelocity { get; set; }

The maximum angular velocity of the rigidbody (7 by default). Can be useful to prevent an object from spinning uncontrollably fast.

local obj = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;

-- Set a new value for the maximum angular velocity
obj.Rigidbody.MaxAngularVelocity = 1;
-- Now the object, for example, is more resistant to rolling over upon collision with another object.

-- Get the current value of the rigidbody's maximum angular velocity

-- prints "1" to the console


float MaxDepenetrationVelocity { get; set; }

The maximum depenetration velocity of the rigidbody (1.00000003318135E+32 by default). Can be useful to make colliding objects bounce away in a smoother fashion.

local obj = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;

-- Set a new value for the maximum depenetration velocity
obj.Rigidbody.MaxDepenetrationVelocity = 1;

-- Get the current value of the rigidbody's maximum depenetration velocity

-- prints "1" to the console


bool UseGravity { get; set; }

Controls whether gravity affects the rigidbody.

local obj = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;

-- Set UseGravity to False (it is set to True by default)
obj.Rigidbody.UseGravity = false;
-- Now gravity does not affect the rigidbody.

-- Get the UseGravity value (find out if UseGravity is in action)

-- prints "False" to the console


SVector Velocity { get; set; }

The velocity vector of the rigidbody. (in units per second).

local obj = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;

-- Set a new velocity vector
obj.Rigidbody.Velocity = Vector.New(0, 0, 1);
-- Now the object is moving in the positive Z direction at a speed of 1 unit per second

-- Get the current velocity vector

-- prints "[0, 0, 1]" to the console


SVector WorldCenterOfMass { get; set; }

The center of mass of the rigidbody relative to the global origin (Read Only).

local obj = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;

-- Get the current center of mass

-- prints "[x, y, z]" to the console, where x,y,z are global coordinates of the center of mass. If CenterOfMass == [0,0,0], then x,y,z are equal to the global coordinates of the position of the object.