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Creating Clothing Patterns

Revision as of 05:42, 16 February 2017 by Hannahjt (Talk | contribs)

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You can have a set of different colors or patterns for clothing in space.

Uploading a Base Clothing Mesh

To set your clothing item up to have different patterns, first choose a main clothing mesh which you wish to recolor.

When you have chosen the clothing you want, you need to add the 'Clothing Item Settings' component. Do this by clicking on 'Add Component' in the Inspector window and search for clothing item settings.

Once this is done, you can then select all the slots needed for your item. I am using a vest top, so I have selected the chest and upper chest slots. Remember, if you want other items to be used with your clothing, don't select the slots for these items, such as back for wings, wrists/arms for bracelet e.t.c.


Make sure you leave 'keep material always' unchecked for making extra patterns as you just want the base mesh to upload.

follow Importing and Uploading Clothing from 'Steps of Uploading' to upload your clothing item to space.

When it has finished processing and it's in space, make a note of the curator ID in Unity for your clothing item. You can find the curator ID at the bottom of the virtual good component.


Creating the Extra Patterns

To create the extra patterns, you will need to